As of 2015, 70 percent of Cambodia’s population (12.3 million people) do not have access to piped water supply, and 58 percent (9.3 million people) do not have access to improved sanitation.
Poverty continues to fall in Cambodia, albeit more slowly than in the past. In 2014, the poverty rate was 13.5% compared to 47.8% in 2007. About 90% of the poor live in the countryside Around 4.5 million people remain near-poor, vulnerable to falling back into poverty when exposed to economic and other external shocks. Health and education remain both important challenges and development priorities for Cambodia. 32% (or approximately 0.5 million) of children under five are stunted. While net enrollment in primary education increased from 82% in 1997 to 97% in 2016, lower secondary completion rates, at 48% in 2015, are significantly below the average for lower middle-income countries. |
Chey's Childrens Home
Chey's Childrens Home, located in the countryside of Phnom Penh, Cambodia is an orphanage that takes in 19 children from ages five to eighteen. Taking in abandoned children only, the orphanage is managed by two sisters whose mom founded the orphanage in 1994. The Michelle Chiou Foundation purchased bedding, school supplies, food and a opportunity for college tuition assistance for outstanding students.
Department of Social Affairs Veteran Rehabilitation
Located in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, the Department of Social Affairs Veteran Rehabilitation is a public orphanage that takes in 67 children from ages three to fourteen. The government provides a funding subsidy, as well as the Prime Minister, but the school is located far away from the orphanage. The Michelle Chiou Foundation provides an opportunity for college tuition assistance for outstanding students. The Michelle Chiou Foundation will continue to work with the orphanage to encourage and support the students as they pursue their ideal careers.
Hopeful Association of the Poor (HAP)
Hopeful Association of the Poor (HAP) - a private orphanage that takes in 40 children from the ages of three to eighteen is located in Kampong Speu, Cambodia. The founder is a monk that lived in the temple next to the site and witnessed that many children being abandoned to the temple by their parents because of poverty. He decided to save his money and then purchased the site to set of the association to take care of the children himself.
The Michelle Chiou Foundation will provide a opportunity for college tuition assistance for outstanding students. In addition, MCF recruited English teachers to help with learning the language, and pays monthly electricity bills in order to provide clean drinking water and daily showers for the children.
The Michelle Chiou Foundation will provide a opportunity for college tuition assistance for outstanding students. In addition, MCF recruited English teachers to help with learning the language, and pays monthly electricity bills in order to provide clean drinking water and daily showers for the children.
Marist Solidarity Cambodia
Located in Kandal Province, Cambodia, Marist Solidarity is a public orphanage that takes in 90 children with disabilities. Operated by two Australian retired teachers who have been running the orphanage for more than 20 years, with a focus on helping to establish self-care. The children enjoy a garden, chickens and ducks to care for, and an orchard with bananas, mangos, and coconuts. In fact, several former children from the orphanage have stayed to help the new and young children.
This year a total of 12 high school students will be attending college and The Michelle Chiou Foundation will be providing tuition assistance. We will continue to assist with the many needs of the orphanage and ask that you consider doing the same. Please visit: for more information.
This year a total of 12 high school students will be attending college and The Michelle Chiou Foundation will be providing tuition assistance. We will continue to assist with the many needs of the orphanage and ask that you consider doing the same. Please visit: for more information.
Sacrifice Families and Orphans Development Association (SFODA)
Sacrifice Families and Orphans Development Association (SFODA), located in the countryside of Phnom Penh, Cambodia, is a private orphanage that takes in 52 children from ages three to eighteen. They are funded by an institution from Italy, but the children are still in need of many items that The Michelle Chiou Foundation was able to assist with, including shoes, school bags, and college tuition assistance for the students who desire to pursue their education. We will continue to follow-up and encourage the student in their studies and provide additional assistance as needed. We ask that you consider doing the same by visiting the website at: